After 62 years of living together, Lina’s grandparents, Aïcha and Mabrouk, have decided to separate. Together, they came from Algeria to Thiers, a small medieval town in the middle of France, over 60 years ago. Side
by side, they have experienced this chaotic immigrant life. For Lina, their separation is an opportunity to question their long journey of exile and their silence.

Their Algeria
A documentary by Lina Soualem
72 minutes – 2020
Titre français
Leur Algérie
The longstanding journey of exile of Aïcha and Mabrouk: a couple of Algerian immigrants living in a medieval French town since sixty years, whose lives were a succession of separations and silences.
A production
AGAT Films & Cie (France)
In co-production with :
Making of Films (Algeria)
AKKA Films (Switzerland)
Doha Film Institute (Qatar)
Prix et festivals (sélection)
Festival Visions du Réel, Nyon, Latitudes, 2020
Cinemed, Montpelier, Prix étudiant de la première œuvre CCU – Crous, 2020
El Gouna Film Festival, Prise for the Best Arabic Documentary, 2020
Distribution :
AGAT Films & Cie
World Sales :
Lightdox (Anna Berthollet)
Réalisation: Lina Soualem
Production: Marie Balducchi (AGAT Films & Cie)
Coproduction: Palmyre Badinier (AKKA Films)
Image et son: Lina Soualem
Montage: Gladys Joujou
Montage et mixage son: Julie Tribout et Rémi Durel – Studio Obsidienne
Etalonnage: Christophe Bousquet
Festival Visions du Réel, Nyon, Latitudes, 2020
Cinémed, Festival Cinéma Méditerranéen de Montpelier, 2020
IDFA, International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam, 2020
El Gouna Film Festival, Egypt, 2020
DOK. Leipzig, 2020
Festival Les Écrans Documentaires, 2020
Ajyal Film Festival, Doha Film Institute, 2020